Mariël van den Eerenbeemt
Mariël van den Eerenbeemt graduated at the Royal Academy of Art and Design and the Jan van Eyck Academy in the Netherlands. The latter is a post-academic institute that annually selects 25 talented students worldwide.
Personal details
Kongostraat 21, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
+32 484517185
Academic Qualifications
1981-1987 Royal Academy of Art and Design, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
1988-1990 Jan van Eyck Academy post-academic institute, Maastricht, the Netherlands
1990-1991 Dance Academy, Tilburg, the Netherlands (dance teacher)
1976-2011 Dance courses: classical ballet, jazz ballet, Cunningham, modern dance, Feldenkrais, Alexander technique, flamenco, folklore, Indian dance, African dance, oriental dance, Argentine tango.
1991 Internship program School for New Dance Development (SNDO), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1991 Internship program ‘Dogtroep’, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1999-2000 Multimedia courses, Sint-Michiels Gestel, the Netherlands
2006 Teacher training Argentine tango, tango school Recuerdo, Ghent, Belgium
Exhibitions and projects
2024 Bad Video Art Festival, L.A.M.A. Cozensa, Italy
2024 Mutation Festival, Video exhibition, Wintercircus, Ghent, Belgium
2024 L‘air, Artist in residence, Monadart, Bergerac, France
2023 Exhibition NL44, Ghent, Belgium
2023 Curator ‘Orange mon ange d’orage’ (mailart + exhibition) NL44 Ghent Belgium
2023 Kunsthal Ghent Belgium, Zomersalon
2022 Biennale van België, De Sokkel, Museum SMAK, Belgium (groupexhibition)
2021 Zomersalon, Kunsthal Gent, Ghent Belgium (group exhibition)
2020 Exhibition Hortus colorum, het Geuzenhuis, Ghent, Belgium (solo exhibition)
2020 Danceperformance, artgallery Deiglan, Akureyri, Iceland
2020 Artist in residence, Art Museum Akureyri, Iceland (solo exhibition)
2010 Galerie Mens en Natuur, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium (solo exhibition)
2007 Schets of Schim, museum dr. Guislain, Ghent, Belgium (group video exhibition)
2005 Short Movie ‘Schone Lei, Minnemeers’ Time Festival, Victoria Deluxe, Ghent, Belgium (video exhibition)
2002 Video Project, Gentse Helden, Ghent, Belgium (video exhibition)
1998 Het betrappen van het moment, De Fabriek, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1998 Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1997 Het Gesprek, De Fabriek, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1995 Galerie Kunst & Vliegwerk, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1995 Goed Roeren, De Fabriek, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1994 Kunstwerk van de maand, Groningen, the Netherlands (solo exhibition)
1994 I.C.C.D., Trivandrum, India (group exhibition)
1994 Galerie Kunst & Vliegwerk, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands (solo exhibition)
1994 Lamp Art, De Fabriek, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1994 Kunstroute, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1993 Faits Divers, Centre d’Art, Geneva, Switzerland (solo exhibition)
1992 The Exploding Cinema, London, United Kingdom (group exhibition)
1992 Voormalige Bank van Leening, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1992 Installatie, De Fabriek, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1991 S.N.D.O., Amsterdam, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1991 A Heart of Gold, De Melkfabriek, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1991 Galerie Etalage, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands (group exhibition)
1990 Galerie op ’t Hemelrijken, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (solo exhibition)
1990 Theater Tam Krefeld, Germany (art sale)
1990 Galerie R. de Serbie, Liege, Belgium (solo exhibition)
1988-1990 Exhibitions Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Dance performance
2018 performance Argentine tango ‘Buurtcentrum Sluizeken’, Ghent, Belgium
2011 2nd performance Argentine tango with ‘Follia XL’, festival Het Lindeboom, Loon-Plage, France
2009 1st performance Argentine tango with ‘Follia XL’, festival Het Lindeboom, Loon-Plage, France
2009 Argentinian tango dancer movie ‘La cantante de tango’, director: Diego Martinez Vignatti, Brussels, Belgium
2008 performance Argentine tango, Manege ’t Hoefijzer, Buggenhout, Belgium
2007 Argentinian tango dancer movie ‘Blind Date’ by director Stanley Tucci, Ghent, Belgium
2007 performance Argentine tango with ‘Follia XL’ Casino Blankenberge, Belgium
2006 performance Argentine tango, Roeselare, Belgium
2006-2009 dance teacher Argentine tango school ‘Recuerdo’, Ghent, Belgium
1991-1993 dancer at Mani Kolé, the Netherlands
1991 Dogtroep, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2013-2015 Supervision of children's artstudio MIAT, Ghent, Belgium
2001-2009 House photographer - art studio vzw Mariaheem, Zwalm, Belgium
2005-2006 Artistic leader animation film project in collaboration with Victoria Deluxe, vzw Mariaheem, Zwalm, Ghent, Belgium
2006-2020 Teacher Argentinian tango at ‘Recuerdo’ and ‘De Thuishaven’, Ghent, Belgium
2000-2001 Photographer and graphic designer, cultural magazine BIJEEN, 's-Hertogenbosch, in collaboration with design agency ‘Lava’ Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1999 Exhibition organizer for artists initiatives, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
1997-1999 BlueByBettonvil Blue, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
1981-1987 BlueByBettonvil Blue, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
Photographic publications
2024 META, magazine, a trade yournal for the information professional, portrait photo
2020 META, magazine, a trade yournal for the information professional, portrait photo
2013 Museum MIAT website and brochure, Ghent, Belgium
2007 Publication: DVD Follia! XL live
2006 Circulation theme magazine With.h. Kortrijk, Belgium
2004 Publication exhibition De Compagnie, cultural center Wevelgem i.s.m. vzw Wit.h., Kortrijk, Belgium
2002 Edition Sylvain Cosijns, Lions Club International, Belgium
2000-2001 cultural magazine Bijeen, the Netherlands
1997 BOA Nijmegen, the Netherlands
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