Terpsinoë Musica
All works by Mariël van den Eerenbeemt
This work is inspired by Terpsinoë musica. A lot of my paintings are an excursion into the world of microbiology. Terpsinoë Musica is a genus of diatoms. You can discover a lot of parallels in human relations or life in general. You can see it as a wonderfull metafor in human life, how we are able to grow in a relation if we trow off our shells…
Written on the floor:
Terpsonoë Musica,
Small canals in the thick cell walls maintain communication between the small individual cells
with strong magnification, like a box.
Every diatom has two shells fitting into one another, like the bottom and lid of a tiny box.
This is clearly distinguishable in the genus Terpsinoë Musica.
You will no doubt be curious as how such a box can proliferate.
Actually it ‘s very simple. When the nucleus of the box divides in two by mutosis,
the two cells seperate, the plasma also and each then forms the bottom of a new box,
then they move together and merge…and merge…
The diatoms trow off their shell cases.