This MailArt project is a joint initiative and has been exhibited in the exhibition space NL44 (Gent - Belgium) under the organisation and curatorship of Mariël van den Eerenbeemt.

Graziella Carli - Italy

Lucia Biral - Italy

Renée Koldewijn - The Netherlands

Mrs. Milecent Fambrough-Brown - USA

Stefano Pasquini - Italy

Maria Paola Biral - Italy

Joan m Carter - USA

Compiled by Ryosuke Cohen - Japan

Isabel Bruno - Portugal

Willemien Visser - The Netherlands

Judith Skolnick - USA

Ana Pobo Castañer (Anuska) - Spain

Jet Kortschot - The Netherlands

Leslie Atkins - USA

Floki Gauvry - Argentina

Non Local Variable - USA

Tania Desmet (NL44) - Belgium

Constanca Lucas - Brasil

Katerina Mandarik - France

Maartje Jaquet - The Netherlands

Lau Wilmet - Belgium

Adam Blackshaw - Australia

Franco Busić - Croatia

Ingo Cesaro - Germany

Marieke Janssen - Belgium

Ceren Baycan - Turkey

Carlo Maria Giudici - Italy