This MailArt project is a joint initiative and has been exhibited in the exhibition space NL44 (Gent - Belgium) under the organisation and curatorship of Mariël van den Eerenbeemt.
Paola Filigheddu - Italy
Selma Dronkers - The Netherlands
Brigitte Koltinsky - Germany
Martine Lemmens - The Netherlands
Horváth Piroska - Austria
Monique Bouman - The Netherlands
Jonke Juraj - Croatia
Diana Kroshilova - Russia
Sonja Doevendans - The Netherlands
Jüle Desmet - Belgium
Annette Behlau - Germany
Vero Desmet - Vera Derycke - Belgium
Romeo - Belgium
Kristin Dela - Belgium
Susanne Schumacher - Germany
Lars Schumacher - Germany
Jan Theuninck - Belgium
Enny Kleikamp - van Leeuwen - The Netherlands
Hellen Abma - The Netherlands
Annechien Verhey - The Netherlands
Simon Warren - UK
Marcia Rosenberger - Brasil
Christiane Carré - France
Ernie Bossmann - The Netherlands
Anne Gilis- Belgium
Romarin Desmet - Belgium
Anne Gilis - Belgium
Rahsan Akarsu - Turkey
Sune Desmet - Belgium
Carl Goethals - Belgium
Liesje Breyne - Belgium
Addy Graafmans Jemseri - The Netherlands
Simon Warren - UK
Floor Max - The Netherlands
Cecilia Bossi - Italy
Ismail Uthu - Turkey
Virginie Loreau - France
Silvano Pertone -Italy
Sera Erdem - Turkey